La Plata, Sept 25th to Sept 28th, 2023
The aim of this course is to give a general and practical introduction to Deep Learning tools and data treatment with a focus on Astronomy and physics examples. We plan 4 classes, and in addition, we plan to offer time for tutoring and hands-on.
To be approved in this course, the student will have 30 days from Oct 5 to present a report with an application of AI techniques presented in the course. All students will also make a 5-10 minutes video describing the project and results. We will organize a virtual meeting on a date to be determined for presentation of the videos and discussion of all projects.
Postdocs as well as PhD and undergraduate students of Astronomy, Geophysics and Meteorology are welcome to attend this course. Researchers are also welcome to attend but priority will be given to postdocs and students.
If you are interested in attending this course, please contact Dr. Analía Smith Castelli ( All the information about the course can be find in the webpage of the ALAS group: