Título: Stellar populations in nearby galaxies
Charla a cargo de: Dr. Luis Fernando Lomelí Núnez (Observatorio do Valongo, UFJR, Brasil)
Lunes 18 de diciembre – 11 hs – Salón Meridiano
Resumen: The stellar clusters are one the most visible characteristics in galaxies. Studies have found that late-galaxies show a two distinct populations of stellar clusters (e.g. Simanton et al. 2015a), a component older (globular clusters) and other younger (open clusters). Studying the different populations of star clusters in galaxies can give us clues about the evolution and current state of galaxies (Pérez et al. 2013). In the framework of the hierarchical model of galaxy formation, the current state of galaxies is preceded by a great history of interactions and mergers of smaller elements. A consequence of this model of galaxy formation is a continuous formation of stars, therefore stellar clusters of all ages in galaxies should be observed. However the detection and study of the stellar clusters is observational it has focused in old clusters (e.g., Zepf & Ashman 1993, Ashman & Zepf 1998, Brodie & Strader 2006 and references in) and in young clusters (e.g, Larsen & Richtler 1999, Bica et al. 2003). On the other hand, in recent years with the help of the HST, works about a new star clusters class has been done (e.g., Whitmore et al. 1999 (Antennae), Mayya et al. 2008 (M82), Santiago-Cortés et al. 2010 (M81) ) such works have studied a new class of stellar clusters: super stellar clusters (SSC). They have characteristics similar to the globular clusters (mass, compactibility, etc.), being the main candidates to be an evolutionary state previous to the GCs as such, therefore to be intermediate age clusters. In this seminar we will talk about the properties of the different stellar clusters.
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