Martes 26 de septiembre – 12:45 hs – Salón Meridiano
“The influence of planetesimal fragmentation on planet formation”
Nicolas Kaufmann
Ph.D student, Physikalisches Institut, Universität Bern, Switzerland
The size distribution of solids in the protoplanetary disk is still ill constrained but is a vital parameter that influences planetary growth. The typical size and spatial distribution of solids evolves throughout the planet formation process via collisions and radial drift. As the planets grow, they excite the mutual random velocities among planetesimals making their mutual collisions destructive which leads to fragmentation, reducing their typical size. This effect of self-interacting planetesimals has been found to inhibit or favor the formation of planets due to competing effects of easier accretion of smaller fragments and depletion by gas-drag induced drift. However, previous studies have either focused on single planets and systems or have neglected concurrent effects like migration.
Therefore, we run planet formation simulations with the generation III Bern model with a Eulerian 1D solid disks. The model tracks the growth and evolution of several planetary embryos from oligarchic growth to the final planetary system. We added to it a fragmentation toy model to see the impact fragmentation has on planet formation. To see its influence on the diverse types of exoplanets we make use of a population synthesis approach to investigate larger parts of the parameter space. This allows us to have a more complete picture of what influence the collisional evolution of planetesimals has on planet formation and to study the effects that arise from its interplay with the formation of multiple planets in the same system.
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