XI LAPIS: “Machine Learning and Deep Learning Techniques in the context of Large Multi-band Photometric Surveys: The case of S-PLUS”

We are happy to announce the registration opening to attend the XI La Plata International School (LAPIS) on Astronomy and Geophysics entitled “Machine Learning and Deep Learning Techniques in the context of Large Multi-band Photometric Surveys: The case of S-PLUS”. The XI LAPIS is an ABBA (Argentinian-Brazilian  Brazilian-Argentinian) effort that will be held at the Planetarium of the National University of La Plata (La Plata, Argentina) on April 7-10 of 2025. You can find all the information we have for the moment at the webpage of the school:


Registration is now open until March 7th.

Any questions, please, do not hesitate to contact us at:

xilapis2025 at gmail.com