The S-PLUS 12-band Photometry as a Powerful Tool for Discovery and Classification: Ten Cataclysmic Variables in a Proof-of-concept Study
Lopes de Oliveira, Raimundo; de Araújo, Amanda S.; Krabbe, Angela C.; and 9 coauthors
, ApJL -
BSN-I: the first in-depth photometric study of seven total-eclipse contact binary systems
Poro, A.; Li, K.; Paki, E.; and 9 coauthors
PAH Feature Ratios around Stellar Clusters and Associations in 19 Nearby Galaxies
Dale, Daniel A.; Graham, Gabrielle B.; Barnes, Ashley T.; and 27 coauthors
, AJ -
The Secondary Component of the Extremely Low Mass Ratio Massive Binary HD 165246 Revealed by GHOST
Rodriguez, C. N.; Ansin, T.; Ferrero, G. A.; and 28 coauthors
, ApJ -
A comprehensive photometric and spectroscopic study of B-type stars in the open cluster NGC 6834
Ruíz Díaz, M. A.; Aidelman, Y. J.; Baume, G.; and 1 coauthor
A Second Candidate Magnetic Helium Core White Dwarf and 3 Other Variable White Dwarfs in the Globular Cluster NGC 6397
Pichardo Marcano, Manuel; Rivera Sandoval, Liliana E.; Maccarone, Thomas J.; and 5 coauthors
, ApJ -
Discovery of the Richest Pulsating Ultramassive White Dwarf
De Gerónimo, Francisco C.; Uzundag, Murat; Rebassa-Mansergas, Alberto; and 5 coauthors
, ApJL -
Diversity in Hydrogen-rich Envelope Mass of Type II Supernovae. II. SN 2023ixf as Explosion of Partially Stripped Intermediate Massive Star
Fang, Qiliang; Moriya, Takashi J.; Ferrari, Lucía; and 6 coauthors
, ApJ -
The evolution of low-mass central galaxies in the vicinity of massive structures and its impact on the two-halo conformity
Palma, Daniela; Lacerna, Ivan; Celeste Artale, M.; and 7 coauthors
, A&A -
Binary and grouped open clusters: A new catalogue
Palma, T.; Coenda, V.; Baume, G.; and 1 coauthor
, A&A -
Stellar atmospheric parameters and chemical abundances of ~5 million stars from S-PLUS multiband photometry
Ferreira Lopes, C. E.; Gutiérrez-Soto, L. A.; Ferreira Alberice, V. S.; and 30 coauthors
, A&A -
The fast rise of the unusual type IIL/IIb SN 2018ivc
Reguitti, A.; Dastidar, R.; Pignata, G.; and 22 coauthors
, A&A -
BSN: The First Photometric Study of 10 Contact Binary Systems from the Northern and Southern Hemispheres
Poro, Atila; Li, Kai; Michel, Raul; and 7 coauthors
, AJ -
Optical and near-infrared photometry of 94 type II supernovae from the Carnegie Supernova Project
Anderson, J. P.; Contreras, C.; Stritzinger, M. D.; and 43 coauthors
, A&A -
Optical monitoring in southern blazars. Analysis of variability and spectral colour behaviours
Zibecchi, L.; Andruchow, I.; Marchesini, E. J.; and 2 coauthors
Semi-empirical calibration of the oxygen abundance for LINER galaxies based on SDSS-IV MaNGA - The case for strong and weak AGN
Oliveira, Celso B.; Dors, Oli; Zinchenko, Igor; and 5 coauthors
, PASA -
Photometry, rotation period determination and dust coma numerical study of comet C/2017 K2 (PanStarrs)
Garcia, R. S.; Fernández-Lajús, E.; Di Sisto, R. P.; and 1 coauthor
, Icar -
Direct estimates of nitrogen abundance for Seyfert 2 nuclei
Dors, O. L.; Cardaci, M. V.; Hägele, G. F.; and 10 coauthors
Primer on Formation and Evolution of Hydrogen-Deficient Central Stars of Planetary Nebulæ and Related Objects
Miller Bertolami, Marcelo M.
, Galax -
Compact ellipticals in the Antlia cluster of galaxies
Caso, Juan Pablo; Vega Neme, Luis; De Bórtoli, Bruno J.; and 3 coauthors
, A&A -
An analysis of spectroscopic, seismological, astrometric, and photometric masses of pulsating white dwarf stars
Calcaferro, Leila M.; Córsico, Alejandro H.; Uzundag, Murat; and 3 coauthors
, A&A -
Impact of Current Uncertainties in the 12C+12C Nuclear Reaction Rate on Intermediate-mass Stars and Massive White Dwarfs
De Gerónimo, Francisco C.; Miller Bertolami, Marcelo M.; Battich, Tiara; and 6 coauthors
, ApJ -
Exploring massive star early evolution: the case of the Herschel 36 A triple system
Arias, Julia I.; Holgado, Gonzalo; Gamen, Roberto; and 2 coauthors
The VISCACHA Survey - XI. Benchmarking SIESTA: a new synthetic CMD fitting code
Ferreira, Bernardo P. L.; Santos, João F. C., Jr.; Dias, Bruno; and 16 coauthors
Stellar formation and young clusters in NGC 2366 - main properties
Feinstein, C.; Baume, G.; Vergne, M. M.; and 1 coauthor
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