El martes 23 de mayo a las 10:30hs., en el Salón Meridiano, se llevará a cabo el Seminario FCAG titulado: “Yellow hypergiants: a missing piece in the late massive-star evolution”.El mismo estará a cargo del Dr.Michalis Kourniotis (Astronomical Institute, Czech Academy of Sciences) investigador invitado de la Dra. Lydia Cidale, en el marco del Proyecto POEMS.
Resumen: Yellow hypergiants (YHGs) is a rare class of evolved massive stars, which are believed to be in a post-red supergiant phase evolving towards hotter temperatures. I will give a review on the physics underlying their unstable and eruptive nature, as well as speak about observations of the few YHG counterparts in the Local Group. Among the findings, our contribution in the YHG studies will be discussed. As part of the seminar talk, I will further speak about my study as a visiting researcher in the Observatory of La Plata. By exploiting the wealth of high-cadence photometric data from TESS, the latter work focuses on
extracting the multiperiodic properties of ~50 southern B-supergiants with obtained spectroscopy from CASLEO, with the goal of drawing correlations between the properties of these stars and their pulsational, binarity, and evolutionary status.